July 15, 2012

The mustache is back! *by popular request

Iver will probably never forgive me for these photos but I couldn't help it! His cuteness is irrepressible not to mention he totally rocks the cottage cheese.

Today crawling finally clicked...and I am feeling sentimental. Happily, and sadly, it is the start of a new chapter with Iver the kid. From this moment on, my so cute butter-ball is going to start melting away into a skinny toddler.

So you will understand the urgent nature of today's photo shoot in the nude. What would the world do without a record of Iver's perfectly squishy nine-month-old body? I don't dare consider the implications.


  1. Morgan that is so cute. I loved the slicked hair and stache. What a charmer. :)

  2. The mustache is perfect. Did you just use eye liner, or is it a sticker? So crazy to see our babes grow up.

    1. it's a 'finger mustache' from a pack Alex gave my brother for christmas. they are so perfect for babies ;-)

  3. Hahaa! My mom told me he started crawling!! Awesome! So fun they got to see him crawl. I love his chub, and the stache.

  4. He is just too cute! Take a ton of pictures of his squishy body and cottage cheese bum! It will be gone before you know it!
